How many times have you stepped back from you life and really looked at it? Is it really that bad? Do you really have that much to complain about? Is there really as much bad as everyone says there is?
I don't think so. There is too much good that we are missing by all of the complaining, groaning, fussing, and overlooking we do everyday. I find myself stopping my life and looking around. I see so many wonderful things I didn't see before. The cloud shapes and movements, dew drops on a leaf, a rabbit in the yard, the completely wonderful sounds and sights of nature.
Art is everywhere. Sophie and I were talking the other day about rainbows and she so eloquently said "the whole world is a rainbow". If you look around, it really is.
People are colorful as well. Everyone paints their own rainbow that is reflected from oneself. You connect with people who create similar colors to yours and you shy away from ones whose colors conflict with yours.
What about the art of simple laughter? When was the last time you really guffawed?? I amtrying hard to laugh more. Sounds crazy when you have to say you are trying hard to laugh but sometimes you have to make an effort to find humor. It would be reommended for everyone to do so. You remember how light you feel when you laugh. Like Charlie and his Grandpa on Willy Wonka in the bubble room. Find something that amuses you and then find something else. Keep looking for those little things that make you bubble.
As for love...well that is my most favored form of art. There is nothing like allowing yourself to be loved. Of course, loving someone truly is terribly emotional but the art of allowing love into your own heart, truly and deeply, is like no other feeling in the world. You find out what trust means, you understand hope, you realize life's meaning and you start to live. Paint that picture then tell me what you see...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ok, so I finished the book The Shack and it turned out to be one of those wonderful things in life that you happen upon that changes something in you. You realize that you are ok and the way you think is ok and your spirit is ok. You also find out that there are things that aren't ok. You learn about judgement and power and the very definitions of those words and you realize that they are certainly not on the path to a happy and fulfilled life.
My goal is to love everyone including myself. It is so easy to dismiss or criticize but all it is doing is hurting. Both you and the other person. I am so guilty of judging and criticizing that I almost have trouble forgiving myself for it. Almost...
Trust - isn't that an easy one? No, not at all. How often in life do you actually open up the curtain of trust fully? Yea, me either. I did take a chance and open my heart to Chris and, oh, how I am glad I did. What a great feeling it is to trust. I never had a male role model to learn trust from. I had men in Mom's life and men in my life that totally sucked. They all seemed to be so bad. I wonder sometimes why it was so easy to trust Chris. I think it is because he has a heart so big that it seems tangible. Don't we tend to trust things that are touchable? Because they are solid? Well, that is how I feel about Chris. His love for me is solid and I trust him completely.
Forgiveness - There have been many things throughout my life that I have had to forgive. Not just people and what they have done but also that whole dysfunction thing that everyone seems to blame their problems on. Maybe you had a rotten childhood, or your parents drank all the time, or they fought all the time, or blamed you for things that happen in their life. Do you let those things make you who you are? Do you let those things eat away your life? Do you really think you have to be what someone else tells you or leads you to believe? I don't. You have to forgive all of that and be the person you want and need to be.
I made a choice a long time ago that I would do my best to be who I want to be and live the way I want to live. It has not been easy and sometimes it is really hard to stand by those convictions when you have people all around telling you no. It is easy to judge others when you have people around who judge others or people who judge you. I don't want to hear any criticism of me, particularly my family, or how we live. We are who we are. Shouldn't that be good enough?
That book opened up my mind to a whole other way of thinking when it comes to God and how I should perceive His want for me. For the longest time, after hearing how I would go to hell for my sins, I feared God. I feared how my life would end. I didn't want to be judged. How in the world did I find God in a book? Well, I have to admit that I really didn't want to read the book based on it's subject content. Without giving anything away, there is a terrible tragedy that turns into to an incredible journey. Not in the way you think but something entirely heart wrenching and healing. Healing and experiencing like I have never known. Ok, maybe you think I am heading down a religious freak road but, for me, I simply think I made a huge step to truly living my life the way I want to live it and I think God would be proud.
Do you remember the movie What Dreams May Come? That movie broke my heart in a way I didn't think it could be broken - it had already been broken so many other ways. But it also showed me a different heaven than I thought existed. I had limited myself to believe what I had learned from someone else. Someone else's interpretation of what religion should be. As it turns out, I am free to interpret my spirituality on my own. Imagine that??
I don't want to influence anyone who hasn't read the book. It is not a preaching book. Some parts are very hard to read but the end is well worth it. You have to read it slowly and I hope that you are able to take from it something that affects you personally and spiritually. Something that makes you comfortable with yourself and with God.
I did.
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Somewhere Inside
- I keep all of Sophie's drawings.
- The cleaning bug doesn't usually bite me but when it does it is usually all out. I go overboard.
- I love things that touch my heart.
- I love a good heart wrenching book or movie.
- I believe in fairy tales.
- I wish I could let go of all of my insecurities and live completely free.
- I feel like I get on people's nerves.
- I want to be noticed but I don't like attention.
- I have trouble sleeping - too many thoughts and fears.
- Music makes my soul feel free.
- I can be terribly stubborn.
- I can be judgemental
- Mountains make me happy.
- I secretly wish I could afford to focus my energy on some type of art and my family, not a "job".
- I often feel out of place or irrelevant.
- I enjoy detail specific activities.
- Sophie can make me the happiest person in the world and break my heart so completely - all in the same instant.
- Chris can do the same thing.
- I can read a day away.
- Friendships are hard for me.
- Philosophy intrigues me.
- I love Willie Wonka.
- I fear early death.
- I wish my mother could be here.