Sunday, May 23, 2021

Tiny Band-Aids

 They say that when you have a child, 

your heart will forever walk outside of your body. 

And it does. 

My heart has been broken so many times

that it has become numb to certain things and people.

But never to my child. 

My heart has lost its wonder and belief. 

But hers hasn't.

It has tiny little band-aids from little heartbreaks

yet it still emits wonder and enormous love. 

Until yesterday.

 Now among those tiny band-aids, there is a large one. 

One that shouldn't be there 

because a grown-up made a decision 

that broke a very big piece. 

Seeing that big heartbreak wounded my heart 

in a way that I'd never known. 

See, broken heart pieces are part of life.

But hers has just begun.

Life scatters broken heart pieces freely, 

yet I know she will heal.

As for me, having to watch it 

through my own heart as well as hers

 is something a thousand tiny band-aids 

will never be able to heal. 

Somewhere Inside

  • I keep all of Sophie's drawings.
  • The cleaning bug doesn't usually bite me but when it does it is usually all out. I go overboard.
  • I love things that touch my heart.
  • I love a good heart wrenching book or movie.
  • I believe in fairy tales.
  • I wish I could let go of all of my insecurities and live completely free.
  • I feel like I get on people's nerves.
  • I want to be noticed but I don't like attention.
  • I have trouble sleeping - too many thoughts and fears.
  • Music makes my soul feel free.
  • I can be terribly stubborn.
  • I can be judgemental
  • Mountains make me happy.
  • I secretly wish I could afford to focus my energy on some type of art and my family, not a "job".
  • I often feel out of place or irrelevant.
  • I enjoy detail specific activities.
  • Sophie can make me the happiest person in the world and break my heart so completely - all in the same instant.
  • Chris can do the same thing.
  • I can read a day away.
  • Friendships are hard for me.
  • Philosophy intrigues me.
  • I love Willie Wonka.
  • I fear early death.
  • I wish my mother could be here.