Sometimes in life you find yourself in a place where you feel torn.
A place that you want yet you shouldn't...according to others who know best.
They say paths should always go one way and you shouldn't stray should you find trouble.
I have never followed that path. Even as a child; shown a trusted path in shared faith I questioned.
How could one way be the right way when so many others took a different path?
How could one ideal blanket all the others as correct?
And now? How can two people so different be made to say we should remain as we were 20 years prior?
People change. Faiths change. Beliefs change.
All of this is okay.
We should never apologize for changing nor should we apologize for who we are.
We are brought into life and we bring life into the world.
Never should we state how those we love or others should believe/feel/live.
Ever. Let them find their way.
Your God has made this possible right?
Life gets hard as do relationships. Some survive, others do not.
We make things work or we don't.
We accept others or we don't.
Choosing to change others rather than change our own thoughts.
Acceptance is how life becomes difficult.
Choosing to blame others for what you are guilty of rather than looking in the mirror is how things fail.
I have things that I don't feel like I can or should share, though I desperately want to.
Who would understand?
Who feels what you feel?
How could they?
Yet you have one who does.
Hang on to that person with all of your might.
They keep you on Earth and make you feel heard.
Whether a lover or a friend - hang on.
I found that if you reach for those who have been there and known you the best; they will reach back. With open arms They will hear you and accept you.
After all, isn't that the VERY thing you've always wanted?
To be heard and accepted?
That is what love is right? Accepted?
That is a good place isn't it?
To be heard, accepted, and loved?
Even if that means it is you alone?
That is where your good place begins isn't it?
Sunday, January 29, 2017
A Good Place
being accepted,
being heard,
good place,
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
What should
I have read and heard an exorbitant amount of stories regarding abuse of animals, children, and the elderly. It fertilizes the soil of dislike I have for humankind. For those who could, will, have, and continue to harm innocent life assures me we are headed into our own degeneracy. It saddens me that the loss of solicitude and kindness is ever-growing.
Our light should shine on every living thing. Experiences, loss, betrayal, hardship, pain - those are not things to be blanketed onto others just because we have been exercised in their lots.
The innocent are just as they should be. True to us, true themselves, and true to our world.
I can't explain the how deeply the pain descends upon every awareness of every single infliction of pain on what should be a gifted lightness and love.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Where I Am
I have done a good bit of thinking. So much so, that I’ve stopped going to the gym, gained weight, lost motivation, binged on a shitload of TV, and gathered a fair amount of bitterness. I don’t like it. In fact, it fucking pisses me off.
I am angry at myself and I get angry sometimes just looking at someone else. I don’t like being angry nor do I like the darkness that has grown inside. I. get. on. my. own. nerves. I can’t do anything but giggle and cry at that.
There are excuses for everything and I am an excellent user. The things I strategize in my head...”I will do this in this way, make this happen like this, work through this by meeting small goals, etc”. The simple fact is, shit doesn’t get done.
I ask myself often: Who are you? What do you want? What makes you happy? Where is your passion? See, I am good at a lot of things. I can write, cook, make jewelry, create things, mother, work; BUT I am not at all excellent at one thing.
Most people have their “thing”. They’ve known their thing since they were 3 years old. Chefs have known since toddlerhood that cooking exhilarates them. Musicians began playing at 18 months and never stopped. Scientists were studying things at 2, developing new inventions, curing bad things, discovering unknown species, or understanding with ease a once unsolved mystery. What about those people who completely turn their lives around because of a seemingly menial moment? The ones who overcame their emotional despair due to one comment from another (awful) human. I envy these people. I feel like my life has been mediocre and untapped. Did I miss my moment? The one where I was supposed to find why I was put on this Earth? I’m 44, time is kind of running out. I don’t want to look back and see mediocre. I don’t want to see an overweight, unhealthy, slightly sad, so-so kind of woman. I want to see something remarkable. It was a word used in an obit I read. This man was the father of one of our patients who lived to be 103, very well lived and loved by all.
The thing is, there has been something inside of me that has always felt a little different, wilder, freer, bound for something more. She is in there. I just don’t know quite how to switch skins. The skin I wear now was developed from fears, sadness, judgment, doubt, anger, and worrying about what others thought of me. I’m tired of this skin, so very tired. I want that gypsy skin. The face that shines on life, opens her arms to all, walks lightly through each day, and touches others by simply being.
It is so easy to say “I’m going to let go of my doubt, throw out the baggage, live my life this way”. It is much, much harder to actualize. I have a doctor, a counselor, a psychiatrist, a gym membership, and a pretty quick mind. WTF is so hard? I’ve gone for so long worrying about other’s thoughts of me that I’ve lost myself in their feelings. I wear their skin...not mine.
This brings me back to where I am.
Right now is the only moment I have. I won’t ever have this right now again. So, because I am good at keeping a task list at work and marking things off, I am composing a task list for my life.
1. Be - unabashedly me. If that means I cuss like a sailor because it makes me feel good, write things that may offend people, do things that I am judged for, laugh at things that aren’t appropriate, remain silent when someone wants me to say what they want, or say the exact thing that I want when others want me to be silent. I am not the kind of person to hurt or offend on purpose, rather I want to be me and whether you accept me is up to you. I know in my heart I am a good person. I know your skin no longer fits me and I would hope that you like me better in my own. If not, I’ve given up caring.
2. Speak up - if you put me in a bad light just so it doesn’t get shown on you, I will shut that shit off. Mind you, I won’t be angry nor will I bear resentment. You just won’t get to make me your shadow. If you feel the need to make me the bad guy just because you won’t look in the mirror, I will wave goodbye and not look back. I won’t beg nor will I change just for you. I will simply walk a new less worn path. If you look at me through someone else’s descriptions, I will notice. I won’t try to change your mind nor will I want to. If you look at the world and others that way, I don’t really want you in mine. No anger, no judgment, no resentment. Just not needed.
3. Learn - if I feel like I am mediocre in something that makes me happy, I vow to learn more so I can become better. If I feel a change is due, I will make the effort to learn so the transition is successful. Even if that means I have to leave behind so I can find what I need.
4. Feel - I will not apologize for who I am or how I am. Understand, I have no malintent (my word) towards humankind. I am emotional and sensitive. I cry when I’m angry, sad, happy, worried, etc. It. Is. Who. I. Am. It doesn’t make me irrational or incapable. In fact, I dare say it makes me much more perceptive and understanding. To me, this is a better characteristic than using nothing more than muscle to move up some ridiculous life ladder that was created out of greed and conceit.
5. Work - I will take care of me. I’ve come to learn the only way to care for anyone or anything else is to be well yourself. My body is my own. It is meant to move, dance out in the open, swim in open water, run with my children, hike through mountains, walk down side streets, be pushed a little further. The work I put into making myself healthy will flow into the work I do for others.
6. Relax - I will not be too hurried, too distracted, or too impatient not to notice the little things. Life is, after all, made of the little things. Those are what you will remember when you look back. They are what holds all of the meaning. I don’t want to miss them. I will if I keep running though life holding on to other’s ideals and loading my shoulders with the weight of their skin. As Ayn Rand says: “If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders - What would you tell him?" I…don't know. What…could he do? What would you tell him?" To shrug.”
I am angry at myself and I get angry sometimes just looking at someone else. I don’t like being angry nor do I like the darkness that has grown inside. I. get. on. my. own. nerves. I can’t do anything but giggle and cry at that.
There are excuses for everything and I am an excellent user. The things I strategize in my head...”I will do this in this way, make this happen like this, work through this by meeting small goals, etc”. The simple fact is, shit doesn’t get done.
I ask myself often: Who are you? What do you want? What makes you happy? Where is your passion? See, I am good at a lot of things. I can write, cook, make jewelry, create things, mother, work; BUT I am not at all excellent at one thing.
Most people have their “thing”. They’ve known their thing since they were 3 years old. Chefs have known since toddlerhood that cooking exhilarates them. Musicians began playing at 18 months and never stopped. Scientists were studying things at 2, developing new inventions, curing bad things, discovering unknown species, or understanding with ease a once unsolved mystery. What about those people who completely turn their lives around because of a seemingly menial moment? The ones who overcame their emotional despair due to one comment from another (awful) human. I envy these people. I feel like my life has been mediocre and untapped. Did I miss my moment? The one where I was supposed to find why I was put on this Earth? I’m 44, time is kind of running out. I don’t want to look back and see mediocre. I don’t want to see an overweight, unhealthy, slightly sad, so-so kind of woman. I want to see something remarkable. It was a word used in an obit I read. This man was the father of one of our patients who lived to be 103, very well lived and loved by all.
The thing is, there has been something inside of me that has always felt a little different, wilder, freer, bound for something more. She is in there. I just don’t know quite how to switch skins. The skin I wear now was developed from fears, sadness, judgment, doubt, anger, and worrying about what others thought of me. I’m tired of this skin, so very tired. I want that gypsy skin. The face that shines on life, opens her arms to all, walks lightly through each day, and touches others by simply being.
It is so easy to say “I’m going to let go of my doubt, throw out the baggage, live my life this way”. It is much, much harder to actualize. I have a doctor, a counselor, a psychiatrist, a gym membership, and a pretty quick mind. WTF is so hard? I’ve gone for so long worrying about other’s thoughts of me that I’ve lost myself in their feelings. I wear their skin...not mine.
This brings me back to where I am.
Right now is the only moment I have. I won’t ever have this right now again. So, because I am good at keeping a task list at work and marking things off, I am composing a task list for my life.
1. Be - unabashedly me. If that means I cuss like a sailor because it makes me feel good, write things that may offend people, do things that I am judged for, laugh at things that aren’t appropriate, remain silent when someone wants me to say what they want, or say the exact thing that I want when others want me to be silent. I am not the kind of person to hurt or offend on purpose, rather I want to be me and whether you accept me is up to you. I know in my heart I am a good person. I know your skin no longer fits me and I would hope that you like me better in my own. If not, I’ve given up caring.
2. Speak up - if you put me in a bad light just so it doesn’t get shown on you, I will shut that shit off. Mind you, I won’t be angry nor will I bear resentment. You just won’t get to make me your shadow. If you feel the need to make me the bad guy just because you won’t look in the mirror, I will wave goodbye and not look back. I won’t beg nor will I change just for you. I will simply walk a new less worn path. If you look at me through someone else’s descriptions, I will notice. I won’t try to change your mind nor will I want to. If you look at the world and others that way, I don’t really want you in mine. No anger, no judgment, no resentment. Just not needed.
3. Learn - if I feel like I am mediocre in something that makes me happy, I vow to learn more so I can become better. If I feel a change is due, I will make the effort to learn so the transition is successful. Even if that means I have to leave behind so I can find what I need.
4. Feel - I will not apologize for who I am or how I am. Understand, I have no malintent (my word) towards humankind. I am emotional and sensitive. I cry when I’m angry, sad, happy, worried, etc. It. Is. Who. I. Am. It doesn’t make me irrational or incapable. In fact, I dare say it makes me much more perceptive and understanding. To me, this is a better characteristic than using nothing more than muscle to move up some ridiculous life ladder that was created out of greed and conceit.
5. Work - I will take care of me. I’ve come to learn the only way to care for anyone or anything else is to be well yourself. My body is my own. It is meant to move, dance out in the open, swim in open water, run with my children, hike through mountains, walk down side streets, be pushed a little further. The work I put into making myself healthy will flow into the work I do for others.
6. Relax - I will not be too hurried, too distracted, or too impatient not to notice the little things. Life is, after all, made of the little things. Those are what you will remember when you look back. They are what holds all of the meaning. I don’t want to miss them. I will if I keep running though life holding on to other’s ideals and loading my shoulders with the weight of their skin. As Ayn Rand says: “If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders - What would you tell him?" I…don't know. What…could he do? What would you tell him?" To shrug.”
I’m shrugging.

be me,
bound for more,
going for it,
speak up,
where am I,
who am I,
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Somewhere Inside
- I keep all of Sophie's drawings.
- The cleaning bug doesn't usually bite me but when it does it is usually all out. I go overboard.
- I love things that touch my heart.
- I love a good heart wrenching book or movie.
- I believe in fairy tales.
- I wish I could let go of all of my insecurities and live completely free.
- I feel like I get on people's nerves.
- I want to be noticed but I don't like attention.
- I have trouble sleeping - too many thoughts and fears.
- Music makes my soul feel free.
- I can be terribly stubborn.
- I can be judgemental
- Mountains make me happy.
- I secretly wish I could afford to focus my energy on some type of art and my family, not a "job".
- I often feel out of place or irrelevant.
- I enjoy detail specific activities.
- Sophie can make me the happiest person in the world and break my heart so completely - all in the same instant.
- Chris can do the same thing.
- I can read a day away.
- Friendships are hard for me.
- Philosophy intrigues me.
- I love Willie Wonka.
- I fear early death.
- I wish my mother could be here.