I read recently that a study shows that happiness really is contagious. I'm not really sure why they needed to do a study to prove that. It gets proven everyday. When you around someone happy, you naturally pick up on that. On the other side, when you around someone who is angry or bitter, you are brought down.
I prefer the former. I have tried to weed out most of the acquaintances I had who were too hard to be around. People who have no other reason to greet the day than to wrap their judgement around others, walk over your flowers, or pour out their glass until it is half empty. I have met too many of those people and let them rain on my parade but I just can't do it anymore. I still have a few I would prefer to limit my time with and I am ok with that.
What I can't abide by is introducing my daughter to suggestive attitudes of that sort. I am by no means Mrs. Happy-go-lucky all of the time. I get angry, I get fussy, I get grumpy. The difference is I can teach my daughter those emotions and I can show her how to deal with them.
I do not expect perfection - perfection is unattainable and will only hasten bitterness if it is the goal you desire. I only wish to be completely comfortable around my friends and receive the respect and warmth I feel myself and my family deserves. That is the affection I want my friends to feel when they are with us as well.
As for the happiness part, I am happy. I want everyone I love to be happy. I want that more than anything else.
I try to share my happiness with everyone I am around and if I make just one person smile or feel love then I have succeeded.
Since happiness is so contagious - especially since it is Christmas and with everything that is going on in the world - let's pass the love.
Live well and be happy!
It is in your hands...