Thursday, July 24, 2008

Why Not Magic?

So often in life we are forced out of our childhood wonderment of life and thrown into the grit and grime of "real" life. Why?

Why can't we still believe in magic? Santa is real isn't he? Fairies do exist don't they? I say yes. I say that the magic of life should always exist no matter what your date on the calendar of age.

Sophie often tell me she wishes she could fly - hence the photo above which just happens to be the wallpaper on my phone. Every time I open my phone I think of her and flying. Can't we imagine and just possibly believe in all varieties of magical ideas? I have always heard that if you tell yourself something enough times, you will eventually believe it. I choose to believe.

I wished on a star a long time ago not believing that my wish would actually come true. Shortly after that, I met Chris and with him - all of my dreams have come true. It goes without saying that, yes, I do believe in the fairy tale of wishing stars.
So why is it that when people make wishes, they don't believe them. Isn't that why sick kids get well? Isn't it because they simply don't believe that they won't? I believe in fate but I also believe in our ability to emit and draw in the very thing we need in life. Fate can surely sling some wallops into your life but I think that those wallops happen for a reason. What comes out of those wallops is up to you. Do you melt? Do you fold under? Do you become bitter? Not me, I have and will continue to try very hard to see the lessons in those hits and use them to my advantage. Knowledge is never ending. You should never stop learning, stop believing, stop wondering.

I read a lot as anyone who knows me is aware of. I love magic books. I have always wanted to be magic. I wanted to be a witch growing up -white of course. The thought of conjuring up spells or making things happen with the simple twitch of my nose or my magic wand has kept me enraptured for as long as I can remember. Give me Harry Potter, Wicked, Little, Big any day. I just love magic.

I think philosophy has a bit of magic to it. If someone is willing enough to think outside of a box and express it in words - well you have my attention. How wrong could we be to think differently? Isn't that magic? Opening your mind has to be some kind of spell. Everyone should do it but there are so few who actually do. What are you going to lose by it? I think people are afraid to open their minds because they are afraid they might actually find something that will make them think, or something that will make them believe something else. What is so wrong with that and why is there such a demand to be "normal" or for that matter conservative? I am a Southern girl raised up Southern Baptist but I have never exalted myself as anything other than a proud Southern Girl. I can do with any religious connotations. Sometimes religion drives me nuts. Aren't people who believe in God the same as people who believe in Wicca or Buddhism? Isn't all of that magic? Don't you have to believe to believe?

Can someone please explain to me how Harry Potter is a sin? We had a lady who lives in our neighborhood argue with Chris about Harry Potter and it's affect on children. Magic and anti-realism will only hurt children as they grow. REALLY? HOW?
How would you feel if you had to grow up without believing in Santa or the tooth fairy or unicorns? Wouldn't you be sad if you never had the opportunity? Were you ever a child? My answer to the ridiculous question of whether Harry Potter and all the fairy tale ideals and stories that are part of childhood are a sin - Absolutely Not!

Step off of your political and religious high horses and live your life the way God actually intended - live it freely and happily. Consigning yourself to misery and disbelief will only bring you misery and disbelief.

I was telling Chris the other night that when the clock hits my birthday or I find a penny on its head, etc. I always wish for a long, happy, healthy life. That includes Chris and Sophie. Chris said when he finds a "lucky" item he wishes for either my health or Sophie's or both. He is enormously sweet and thoughtful. I dare to wonder how many husbands do that?

Have you seen Polar Express? I am one of those people who refuse to let go of that bell. I will always hear it ring because to not hear it rings fills me with sadness. It broke my heart when he realized he couldn't hear the bell. Children help bring that magic back to you but even without children, I wish for all of my friends that fairy tale wonderment of magic and whimsy. Life isn't life without it.

These are just some of my thoughts - and rants - on magic, belief, and life. You don't have to agree but you don't have to disbelieve either do you???

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Ramblings About Friendships

Friendships are hard for me. I don't feel like I am very good at them. I care very much about my friends - the machinery of life just never slows and all of my energy goes to my family first. I am also a loner at heart. I enjoy being at home alone or with my family very much. So much so, that I find I have a hard time going out or to visit friends, I would rather them come to my house. Thankfully most have said they enjoy coming to my house because it feels like home, albeit a messy one. :) There isn't a better compliment on your most beloved space than that. I don't need attention, I dont need an acquaintance, I need unconditional love.

I also want to comment on being dumped on, bitched to, and unusual expecations.
I understand frustrations, like the way someone handled a particular situation or said something that you didn't like. I undersand that no one else is going to live or think the same way I do. I understand that I fall into that trap sometimes. What I don't understand is why some people feel it is ok to pass their judgements or frustrations onto me. Is there something about me that attracts that type of person? Why do I have to be the person someone expects me to be?
I am me. I am not going to be anyone else, nor should I be.
I have burned several bridges because I simply could not stand to fan a flame any longer. I just got tired of being the dumping ground, the dart board, or "Mrs. Jones".

I think friendships should be effortless. It should be easy to be be friends right? Too many things in life are hard, shouldn't friendships be easy?

True friends should always first see the good in any part of the other. You can later break down the bad if necessary but most of the time it isn't. True friends listen without judgement and either commiserate or lift up - whichever best suits the situation and they will know exactly when and which - every time. True friends should always be able to see through the mask of bravery you are wearing when your soul is aching.

A true friend is: the kind of person whom you know you can call up and say nothing but feel better just by hearing their voice, or the one who accepts all of you exactly who you are - lifestyle, choices, decisions, etc included. Or someone who will wait patiently while you cry over the telephone until you are able to tell them why and then say that right something that makes you feel better. That is my definition.

I certainly hope my true friends feel that way about me.

I will not apologize for me, my family, or my choices in life. If there is a person who comes into my life who expects me to do so, I will just have to watch them walk right back out. My quality of life is more important than trying to bend to someone else's ideals. In true friendship, there is no backbiting, no negative thoughts, no turning away.
I am very grateful to have been endowed with some very true and wonderful friends.
I will always be there for them and I know they will always be there for me.

You know who you are.

Somewhere Inside

  • I keep all of Sophie's drawings.
  • The cleaning bug doesn't usually bite me but when it does it is usually all out. I go overboard.
  • I love things that touch my heart.
  • I love a good heart wrenching book or movie.
  • I believe in fairy tales.
  • I wish I could let go of all of my insecurities and live completely free.
  • I feel like I get on people's nerves.
  • I want to be noticed but I don't like attention.
  • I have trouble sleeping - too many thoughts and fears.
  • Music makes my soul feel free.
  • I can be terribly stubborn.
  • I can be judgemental
  • Mountains make me happy.
  • I secretly wish I could afford to focus my energy on some type of art and my family, not a "job".
  • I often feel out of place or irrelevant.
  • I enjoy detail specific activities.
  • Sophie can make me the happiest person in the world and break my heart so completely - all in the same instant.
  • Chris can do the same thing.
  • I can read a day away.
  • Friendships are hard for me.
  • Philosophy intrigues me.
  • I love Willie Wonka.
  • I fear early death.
  • I wish my mother could be here.